
Mobility Made Safer

Crash investigation. Technology adoption. Advanced testing and engineering support.

We're moving the transportation industry forward with sophisticated, complex research into safety and performance for all types of vehicles — from planes and trains to self-driving automobiles.

How We Help Clients

Exponent's multidisciplinary staff provides design analysis; manufacturing process reviews; product and real-world testing; accident, injury, and failure investigative services; and operational, performance, health, and environmental evaluations for manufacturers, suppliers, operators, insurers, attorneys, and individuals.

Our Transportation Experts

Our transportation consultants are published experts who stay at the cutting edge of new technologies and regulations, helping you maintain your competitive advantage while reducing risk.

A futuristic vehicle and a graphic user interface
Cutting-Edge Capabilities

Innovative Testing for Increasing Automation

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have the potential to transform road safety — but only if the technologies that power them are accepted by drivers and confirmed safe, too. Exponent is actively developing the testing strategies needed to realize vehicle innovation.

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Self driving car on a road.
Cutting-Edge Capabilities

AV Incident Response & Prevention

Autonomous vehicles are rolling out in markets across the world, bringing new ways of experiencing transportation, as well as first-of-their-kind challenges and risks. Exponent's multidisciplinary engineers and scientists are at the forefront of AV incident response in a fast-evolving market segment, supporting clients through our holistic approach that accounts for the entire transportation infrastructure — vehicles, drivers, and the environment.  

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