Mezei G, Lau E, Pace ND, Schenk J, Kheifets L. Receipt of electroconvulsive therapy and subsequent development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A cohort study. Bioelectromagnetics 2022; 43(2):81-89.
Mezei G, Chang ET, Mowat FS, Moolgavkar SH. Comment on recent case-control study of malignant mesothelioma of the pericardium and the tunica vaginalis testis. Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment 2021; 47(1):87-89.
Mezei G, Chang ET, Mowat FS, Moolgavkar SH. Comments on Vimercati et al., 2019, "Asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis testis: a systematic review and the experience of the Apulia (southern Italy) mesothelioma register." Environmental Health 2019; 18:111.
Mezei G, Chang ET, Mowat FS, Moolgavkar SH. Epidemiology of mesothelioma of the pericardium and tunica vaginalis testis. Annals of Epidemiology 2017; 27(5):348-359. With erratum; Annals of Epidemiology 2018; 28(63).
Volberg V, Fordyce T, Leonhard M, Mezei G, Vergara X, Krishen L. Injuries among electric power industry workers, 1995-2013. Journal of Safety Research 2017; 60:9-16.
Lewis RC, Minguez-Alarcon L, Meeker JD, Williams PL, Mezei G, Ford JB, Hauser R. Self-reported mobile phone use and semen parameters among men from a fertility clinic. Reproductive Toxicology 2017; 67: 42-47.
Fordyce TA, Leonhard MJ, Watson HN, Mezei G, Vergara XP, Krishen L. An analysis of fatal and non-fatal injuries and injury severity factors among electric power industry workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2016; 59 (11): 948-958.
Tell RA, Hooper HC, Sias GG, Mezei G, Hung P, Kavet R. Electromagnetic field associated with commercial solar photovoltaic electric power generating facilities. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2015; 12 (11): 795-803.
Oksuzyan S, Crespi CM, Cockburn M, Mezei G, Vergara X, Kheifets L. Race/ethnicity and childhood leukemia: a case-control study in California. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2015; 69 (8): 795-802.
Kheifets L, Crespi C, Hooper C, Oksuzyan S, Cockburn M, Ly T, Mezei G. Epidemiologic study of residential proximity to transmission lines and childhood cancer in California: Description of design, epidemiologic methods and study population. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2015; 25(1):45-52.
Vergara X, Kheifets L, Mezei G. Case-control study of occupational exposure to electric shocks and magnetic fields and mortality from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the U.S., 1991-1999. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2015; 25(1):65-71.
Mezei G, Sudan M, Izraeli S, Kheifets L. Epidemiology of childhood leukemia in the presence and absence of Down syndrome. Cancer Epidemiology 2014; 38(5):479-489.
Slusky DA, Does M, Metayer C, Mezei G, Kavet R, Selvin S, Buffler PA. Potential role of selection bias in the association between childhood leukemia and residential magnetic field exposure: a population-based assessment. Cancer Epidemiology 2014; 38(3):307-313.
Souques M, Plante M, Ostiguy G, Goulet D, Deschamps F, Mezei G, Modolo J, Lambrozo J, Legros A. Anecdotal report of magnetophosphene perception in 50 mT 20, 50 and 60 Hz magnetic fields. Radioprotection 2014; 49(1):69-71.
Okokon E, Roivainen P, Kheifets L, Mezei G, Juutilainen J. Indoor transformer stations and ELF magnetic field exposure: use of transformer structural characteristics to improve exposure assessment. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2014; 24(1):100-104.
Frei P, Poulsen AH, Mezei G, Pedersen C, Salem LC, Johansen C, Roosli M, Schuz J. Residential distance to high voltage power lines and risk of neurodegenerative diseases: A Danish population-based case-control study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2013; 177(9):970-978.
Tell RA, Kavet R, Mezei G. Characterization of radiofrequency field emissions from smart meters. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2013; 23 (5):549-553.
Vergara X, Kheifets L, Oksuzyan S, Cho YS, Mezei G. Occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and neurodegenerative diseases: A meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013; 55(2):135-146.
Oksuzyan S, Crespi CM, Cockburn M, Mezei G, Kheifets L. Birth weight and other perinatal factors and childhood CNS tumors: A case-control study in California. Cancer Epidemiology 2013; 37(4):402-409.
Schüz J, Grell K, Kinsey S, Linet MS, Link MP, Mezei G, Pollock BH, Roman E, Zhang Y, McBride MN, Johansen C, Spix C, Hagihara J, Saito AM, Simpson J, Robison LR, Dockerty JD, Feychting M, Kheifets L, Frederiksen K. Extremely low frequency magnetic fields and survival from childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: An international follow up study. Blood Cancer Journal 2012; 2: e98.
Oksuzyan S, Crespi CM, Cockburn M, Mezei G, Kheifets L. Birth weight and other perinatal characteristics and childhood leukemia in California. Cancer Epidemiology 2012; 36: e359-e365.
Tell RA, Sias GG, Vazquez A, Sahl J, Turman JP, Kavet RI, Mezei G. Radiofrequency fields associated with the Itron smart meter. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2012; 151(1):17-29.
Hicks JB, McCarthy SA, Mezei G, Sayes CM. PM1 particles at coal- and gas-fired power plant work areas. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 2012; 56(2):182-193.
Slusky DA, Mezei G, Metayer C, Selvin S, Von Behren J, Buffler PA. Comparison of racial differences in childhood cancer risk in case-control studies and population-based cancer registries. Cancer Epidemiology 2012; 36(1):36-44.
Roosli M, Jenni D, Kheifets L, Mezei G. Extremely low frequency magnetic field measurements in buildings with transformer stations in Switzerland. Science of the Total Environment 2011; 409(18):3364-3369.
Stone A, Marklin R, Seeley P, Mezei G. A collaborative effort to apply ergonomics to electric utility workers at generating stations. WORK: A Journal of Prevention Assessment and Rehabilitation 2011; 39(2):103-111.
Kheifets L, Ahlbom A, Crespi CM, Feychting M, Johansen C, Monroe J, Murphy M, Oksuzyan S, Preston-Martin S, Roman E, Saito T, Savitz D, Schüz J, Simpson J, Swanson J, Tynes T, Verkasalo P, Mezei G. A pooled analysis of extremely low frequency magnetic fields and childhood brain tumors. American Journal of Epidemiology 2010; 172(7):752-761.
Hareuveny R, Kandel S, Yitzhak NM, Kheifets L, Mezei G. Exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields in apartment buildings with indoor transformer stations in Israel. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2011; 21(4):365-371.
Fordyce TA, Morimoto L, Coalson J, Kelsh M, Mezei G. Neck injuries among electric utility workers, 1995-2007. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2010; 52(4):441-449.
Kheifets L, Ahlbom A, Crespi CM, Draper G, Hagihara J, Lowenthal RM, Mezei G, Oksuzyan S, Schüz J, Swanson J, Tittarelli A, Vinceti M, Wunsch Filho V. Pooled analysis of recent studies of magnetic fields and childhood leukemia. British Journal of Cancer 2010; 103(7):1128-1135.
Mezei G, Gadallah M, Kheifets L. Residential magnetic field exposure and childhood brain cancer: a meta-analysis. Epidemiology 2008; 19(3):424-430.
Mezei G, Spinelli JJ, Wong P, Borugian M, McBride ML. Assessment of selection bias in the Canadian case-control study of residential magnetic field exposure and childhood leukemia. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008; 167(12):1504-1510.
Kheifets L, Monroe J, Vergara X, Mezei G, Afifi AA. Occupational EMF and leukemia and brain cancer: An update to two meta-analyses. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008; 50(6):677-688.
Thuroczy G, Janossy G, Nagy N, Bakos J, Szabo J, Mezei G. Exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields in apartment buildings with built-in transformer stations in Hungary. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008; 131(4):469-473.
Ilonen K, Markkanen A, Mezei G, Juutilainen J. Indoor transformer stations as predictors of residential ELF magnetic field exposure. Bioelectromagnetics 2008; 29(3):213-218.
Kheifets L, Bowman JD, Checkoway H, Feychting M, Harrington M, Kavet R, Marsh G, Mezei G, Renew D, van Wijngaarden E. Future needs of occupational epidemiology of extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (EMF): Review and recommendations. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2009; 66(2):72-80.
Li CY, Mezei G, Sung FC, Silva M, Chen PC, Lee PC, Chen LM. Survey of residential extremely-low-frequency magnetic field exposure among children in Taiwan. Environment International 2007; 33(2):233-238.
Li CY, Sung FC, Chen FL, Lee PC, Silva M, Mezei G. Extremely-low-frequency magnetic field exposure of children at schools near high voltage transmission lines. Science of the Total Environment 2007; 376(1-3):151-159.
Mezei G, Benyi M, Muller A. Mobile phone ownership and use among school children in three Hungarian cities. Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28(4):309-315.
Li CY, Mezei G, Sung FC, Silva M, Lee PC, Chen PC, Chen LM. Assessment of nonresponse bias in a survey of residential magnetic field exposure in Taiwan. Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28(5):340-348.
Schuz J, Svendsen AL, Linet MS, McBride ML, Roman E, Feychting M, Kheifets L, Lightfoot T, Mezei G, Simpson J, Ahlbom A. Nighttime exposure to electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia. An extended pooled analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2007; 166(3):263-269.
Foliart DE, Mezei G, Iriye R, Silva JM, Ebi KL, Kheifets L, Link MP, Kavet R, Pollock BH. Magnetic field exposure and prognostic factors in childhood leukemia. Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28(1):69-71.
Foliart DE, Pollock BH, Mezei G, Iriye R, Silva JM, Ebi KL, Kheifets L, Link MP, Kavet R. Magnetic field exposure and long-term survival among children with leukemia. British Journal of Cancer 2006; 94(1):161-164. (Corrigendum. British Journal of Cancer 2006; 94(6):940).
Savitz DA, Herring AH, Mezei G, Evenson KR, Terry JW, Kavet R. Physical activity and magnetic field exposure in pregnancy. Epidemiology 2006; 17(2):222-225.
Mezei G, Kheifets L. Selection bias and its implications for case-control studies: a case study of magnetic field exposure and childhood leukemia. International Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 35(2):397-406.
Poole C, Greenland S, Luetters C, Kelsey JL, Mezei G. Socioeconomic status and childhood leukemia: A review. International Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 35(2):370-384.
Mezei G, Borugian MJ, Spinelli JJ, Wilkins R, Abanto Z, McBride ML. Socioeconomic status and childhood solid tumor and lymphoma incidence in Canada. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 164(2):170-175.
Szabo J, Mezei K, Thuroczy G, Mezei G. Occupational 50 Hz magnetic field exposure measurements among female sewing machine operators in Hungary. Bioelectromagnetics 2006; 27(6):451-457.
Kheifets L, Mezei G, Greenland S. Comment concerning "Childhood leukemia and residential magnetic fields: Are pooled analyses more valid than the original studies?" Bioelectromagnetics 2006; 27(8):674-675.
Mezei G, Bracken TD, Senior R, Kavet R. Analyses of magnetic-field peak-exposure summary measures. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2006; 16(6):477-485.
Borugian MJ, Spinelli JJ, Mezei G, Wilkins R, Abanto Z, McBride ML. Childhood leukemia and socioeconomic status in Canada. Epidemiology 2005; 16(4):526-531.
Mezei G, Cher D, Kelsh M, Edinboro C, Chapman P, Kavet R. Occupational magnetic field exposure, cardiovascular disease mortality and potential confounding by smoking. Annals of Epidemiology 2005; 15(8):622-629.
Forssen UM, Mezei G, Nise G, Feychting M. Occupational magnetic field exposure among women in Stockholm County, Sweden. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004; 61(7):594-602.
Mezei G, Kavet R. Power frequency magnetic field exposure and childhood leukemia — Epidemiologic evidence and research perspectives. Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2004; 10(2):115-126.
Tong D, Wong J, Chung F, Friedlander M, Bremang J, Mezei G, Streiner D. Prospective study on incidence and functional impact of transient neurologic symptoms associated with 1% vs 5% hyperbaric lidocaine in short urologic procedures. Anesthesiology 2003; 98(2):485-494.
Higgins PP, Chung F, Mezei G. Postoperative sore throat after ambulatory surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002; 88(4):582-584.
Foliart DE, Iriye RN, Silva JM, Mezei G, Tarr KJ, Ebi KL. Correlation of year-to-year magnetic field exposure metrics among children in a leukemia survival study. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 2002; 12(6):441-447.
Sahl J, Mezei G, Kavet R, McMillan A, Silvers A, Sastre A, Kheifets L. Occupational magnetic field exposure and cardiovascular mortality in a cohort of electric utility workers. American Journal of Epidemiology 2002; 156(10):913-918.
Mezei G, Kheifets LI. Clues to the possible viral etiology of childhood leukemia. Technology 2002; 9(1-2):3-14.
Mezei G, Kheifets LI, Nelson LM, Mills KM, Iriye R, Kelsey JL. Household appliance use and residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 2001; 11(1):41-49.
Chung F, Mezei G. Adverse outcomes in ambulatory anesthesia — What can we improve? Ambulatory Surgery 2000; 8(2):73-78.
Chung F, Mezei G, Tong D. Adverse events in ambulatory surgery: A comparison between elderly and younger patients. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 1999; 46(4):309-321.
Chung F, Mezei G. Adverse outcomes in ambulatory anesthesia. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 1999; 46(5/II):R18-34.
Sinclair DR, Chung F, Mezei G. Can postoperative nausea and vomiting be predicted? Anesthesiology 1999; 91(1):109-118.
Chung F, Mezei G, Tong D. Pre-existing medical conditions as predictors of adverse events in day-case surgery. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1999; 83(2):262-270.
Mezei G, Chung F. Return hospital visits and hospital readmissions after ambulatory surgery. Annals of Surgery 1999; 230(5):721-727.
Chung F, Mezei G. Factors contributing to a prolonged stay after ambulatory surgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia 1999; 89(6):1352-1359.
Book Chapters
Moolgavkar SH, Chang ET, Mezei G, Mowat FS. Epidemiology of mesothelioma. Chapter 3. In: Asbestos and Mesothelioma. Testa J (Ed.). Springer Nature. Pages 43-72, 2017.
Mezei G, Vergara X. Adult cancer and extremely low-frequency magnetic fields. In: Röösli M. Epidemiology of Electromagnetic Fields, Chapter 10, pp 161-184. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, 2014.
Kheifets L, Mezei G. Extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields. In: Hunter's Diseases of Occupations, 10th edition. Baxter PJ, Aw TC, Cockcroft A, Durrington, Harrington JM (Eds.), Chapter 55, pp. 663-674, Hodder Arnold, United Kingdom, 2010.
Mezei G, Kheifets L. Radiofrequency fields. In: Hunter's Diseases of Occupations, 10th edition. Baxter PJ, Aw TC, Cockcroft A, Durrington, Harrington JM (Eds.), Chapter 56, pp. 675-681, Hodder Arnold, United Kingdom, 2010.
Kheifets L, Mezei G. Extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields. In: Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment. Everitt B, Melnick E (Eds.), pp. 691-693, John Wiley & Sons, United Kingdom, 2008.