Epidemiological Studies

Magnified image of the specimen. Exponent helps track infectious diseases with epidemiological studies.

Qualitative & Quantitative Epidemiology Research

Exponent's epidemiologists and data scientists conduct sophisticated epidemiological studies including database design and exposure assessments for complex health issues involving air pollution, cancer, children's health, genetics, injury, nutrition, and occupational exposures.

How does Exponent leverage data to provide an accurate understanding of the spread of illness and diseases?

Exponent health scientists apply epidemiology to analyze the interaction of host, agent, and environment to reach conclusions about the causes and occurrence of disease in human populations.

Our multidisciplinary approach combines experts from several medical specialties including exposure assessment professionals, statisticians, public health experts, and physicians with training in epidemiology and biostatistics. Exponent biostatisticians and programmers are experienced in database design and sophisticated analysis techniques.


Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.