Academic Credentials
  • Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Tulane University, 2000
  • B.S.E., Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, 1994
Licenses & Certifications
  • PADI Certified Open Water Scuba Diver
Professional Honors
  • Exponent HERO Award for Best Colleague Development, 2021
  • Exponent HERO Award for Best Technical Achievement in a Project, 2021
Professional Affiliations
  • Women in Bio, 2012–2013
  • International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 2011–2012 (member)
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2005–present (member)
  • Society for Risk Analysis, 2004–present (member)
  • Sigma Xi, 2002–2006 (member)
  • International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (member; Environment, Safety, and Health)
  • French (France)
  • Spanish

Dr. Mowat has over 20 years of multidisciplinary experience in the field of risk assessment, primarily focusing on exposure science. Her primary areas of interest are exposure assessment from metals (e.g., hexavalent chromium, manganese, lead), mineral fibers (e.g., asbestos and erionite), and nanoparticles (e.g., metal oxides, carbon nanotubes, nanosilver) in both occupational and non-occupational settings, and evaluating potential exposures resulting from use (and misuse) of consumer products. 

She has also focused on the potential for exposure from the workplace to domestic contacts and placing these exposures in the context of various regulatory exposure guidelines and health-based benchmarks. Dr. Mowat has designed, conducted, and published exposure simulation tests on and reviews of current and historic products such as mastics/adhesives, phenolic materials, automotive brakes and clutches, jewelry, roofing cements, gaskets, coatings and paints, welding operations, and children's toys. She has used the results from these simulations in conjunction with other information to evaluate the potential for airborne asbestos fiber / chemical release during the handling of these products. Dr. Mowat has served as a testifying expert related to her work in the areas of risk assessment and exposure science.

Dr. Mowat has developed a risk assessment framework for assessing exposures and possible health risks to nanomaterials in consumer products, including sunscreens and diaper creams, and use of control banding in evaluation of risk associated with these products. She has also performed and participated in pilot-scale and large manufacturing-scale studies of nano-sized particles used in products such as conductive inks.

Dr. Mowat had also designed, led, and conducted various projects of interest to the pharmaceutical industry, including analyses of clinical data, claims records, and electronic medical or health records (EMR/EHR); literature review of various diseases and conditions, particularly as they relate to identification of market share; and life-cycle management assessment for various diseases and drugs. As part of this research, Dr. Mowat has performed evaluations of rare bone and blood conditions in various subpopulations, investigated the clinical and economic burden and risk factors associated with various cancer outcomes, evaluated standards of care in breast and ovarian cancer patients, and described the healthcare utilization for different subpopulations. Dr. Mowat summarized this work in written manuscripts and has contributed to epidemiologic, safety, and other sections of regulatory documents for use in both the U.S. and Europe.