Failure Scenario Demonstration

A computer tower and circuit boards are engulfed in flames. Exponent electrical engineers construct detailed accident reconstructions.

Visualizations of electrical accidents or product failures

Exponent provides accident reconstruction and product failure demonstrations and visualizations to better understand failure mechanisms.

How can Exponent's visual demonstrations effectively explain electrical component failures to key stakeholders?

Once a root cause has been established, a failure scenario demonstration is an important step to explain to key stakeholders, insurance investigators, and courts of law exactly how a product failed or how an accident occurred.

Using a multidisciplinary approach, we test and analyze every angle of product design, manufacturing/assembly, distribution, and operating instructions to determine how a failure occurs. Exponent often provides expert testimony and scenario demonstrations to explain how such failures occur. This can often be a demonstration of electrical systems and devices, consumer electronics, medical devices, automotive electronics, as well as involve data science and cyber security investigations. 

Our robust testing facilities are located throughout the United States and provide controlled environments where we assist with failure demonstrations.