Risk & Safety Analysis for Mechanical Engineering

Two workers evaluate equipment on factory floor. Exponent conducts risk and safety analysis of mechanical engines.

Reduce workplace injuries and accidents

Exponent helps clients reduce workplace accidents and injuries with multidisciplinary risk assessments, equipment safety evaluations, and occupational safety analyses.

How do Exponent's quantified, multidisciplinary risk assessments and safety evaluations improve workplace safety?

Heavy equipment and mechanized systems pose unique risks to employee health and safety. Exponent's multidisciplinary teams perform diverse technical, business interruption, and compliance- and safety-related risk and reliability assessments for chemical, petrochemical, petroleum, and manufacturing clients worldwide. We apply a differentiated approach to risk — creating standardized and innovative situation-specific methods and tools to identify and quantify risk scenarios.

Our multidisciplinary teams assist with the development of proactive plans for identifying hazards and mitigating risk while improving employee occupational safety and health. Our safety evaluations highlight hazards and help you meet OSHA, EU, and other regulatory and internal safety standards.



Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.