International Arbitration for Construction Projects

Business meeting and handshakes.  Engineering support for international arbitration and  construction disputes.

Rigorous technical support for high-stakes international arbitration

Exponent provides owners, contractors, designers, and vendors with extensive international arbitration support for complex construction challenges and disputes.

When the science behind your projects is highly technical, how do you ensure critical international audiences understand the nuances of your arguments?

Whether it is a nuclear power plant, or a high-rise building, Exponent's multidisciplinary teams — construction managers, structural, civil, electrical, and geotechnical engineers, metallurgists, polymer and corrosion scientists  — have many years of experience in the prevention and analysis of construction failures. Our expertise and experience enable us to provide technical evidence and conclusions that help our clients make informed decisions when it comes to complex international arbitration.


Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.