Environmental Risk Management

A dry and parched stretch of land. Exponent helps clients take a proactive approach to environmental risk management.

Limit risk and liability proactively and prevent environmental impacts

International scrutiny and regulatory attention are increasing globally on environmental impacts associated with facility processes and chemical releases during production, use, and disposal. Exponent can help companies assess past and current practices and take a proactive approach to environmental risk management.

Assess environmental management systems to identify monitoring gaps and facilitate compliance with international standards.

Exponent's environmental risk management team has extensive experience evaluating company policies, industrial processes, chemical usage, and discharge and disposal practices. Our expertise includes conducting facility activity reviews to evaluate regulatory compliance of products and processes, due diligence investigations related to asset purchase and sale, and accident reconstructions.

Exponent's multidisciplinary science and engineering teams take a comprehensive approach to reviewing company environmental management systems and evaluating their consistency with international, national, state, and local regulatory requirements. Our teams have conducted gap analyses for compliance with elements of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard and the British Standard OHSAS 18001 Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management.

Our experience and expertise have been critical in helping clients address compliance and process monitoring gaps. Our assessments include regulatory compliance and record reviews, material handling and recordkeeping, site inspections, interviews with operations staff, and recommendations for modifying existing programs.


Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.