Academic Credentials
  • M.A.Sc., Geological Engineering, University of British Columbia, 1979
  • B.S., Engineering and Geology, Fort Lewis College, 1976
Licenses & Certifications
  • Professional Engineer Civil, California, #47609
  • Professional Licensed Geologist, California, #4311
  • Professional Engineer, Colorado, #PE-0043158
  • Professional Engineer, Hawaii, #PE-12036
  • Professional Engineer, Mississippi, #28634
  • Professional Engineer Civil, Nevada, #018711
  • Professional Engineer, Utah, #7280580-2202
  • Professional Licensed Geologist, Utah, #7280580-2250
  • Professional Engineer Civil, Washington, #53451
  • 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response Certification (HAZWOPER)
  • 8-Hour HAZWOPER Managers and Supervisor Training
  • Certified Engineering Geologist (CA)
  • Certified Environmental Manager (CEM) (NV)
  • Certified Hydrogeologist (CA)
  • OSHA #500 Trainer Course In Occupational Safety & Health Standards For Construction
Professional Affiliations
  • Geological Society of America
  • Association of Engineering Geologists
  • National Groundwater Association
  • California Groundwater Resources Association
  • Four Corners Geological Foundation: Director and Treasurer, 2024-2027

Mr. Mesard has extensive experience as a hydrogeologist, engineering geologist, and civil engineer. His expertise includes design and implementation of environmental investigations; remediation system design, evaluation, and failure analysis; geologic hazard analysis; and construction defect assessment. 

Mr. Mesard's principal area of specialization is environmental release reconstruction and source identification (environmental forensics), including chemical-characteristic analysis (chemical fingerprinting), the dating of chemical releases, and chemical fate and transport. 

Mr. Mesard has assisted his clients on various CERCLA, RCRA, and state-equivalent sites, to identify and quantify the contributions of specific sources, evaluate the technical appropriateness and costs associated with remedial actions, and assess the consistency with state and federal regulations — specifically the national contingency plan (NCP). Mr. Mesard also has expertise in quantifying the flux, timing, and extent of chemical releases for dose reconstruction estimates related to toxic tort claims. Mr. Mesard has written technical reports and/or testified as an expert in projects involving chlorinated solvents, solvent stabilizers, perchlorate, petroleum hydrocarbon compounds, MTBE and other oxygenates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCBs, dioxins and furans, various pesticides, and metals.

Mr. Mesard's areas of interest include risk management and decision analysis in assisting financial, legal, insurance, and commercial clients in quantifying and assessing the risks and costs associated with environmentally distressed properties, and in allocating environmental responsibilities and costs among responsible parties in cost-contribution and cost-recovery efforts.