- Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK, 2012
- M.Chem., Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK, 2008
Dr. Pellizzaro has extensive knowledge of many in silico methods (QSAR); including Derek Nexus, Leadscope, OECD QSAR Toolbox, TEST, VEGA, ToxTree and ECOSAR, for the prediction of various toxicity endpoints, including genotoxicity. Genotoxicity predictions are used in the assessment of crop metabolites (EFSA Guidance on the establishment of the residue definition for dietary risk assessment) and impurities (Guidance document on the assessment of the equivalence of technical materials of substances regulated under regulation (EC) No 1107/2009).
She also has experience in a wide range of human health exposure models for pesticides, biocides and industrial and consumer chemicals, for use both at European Union and individual Member State Level. She has developed strategies to address specific regulatory toxicology and exposure concerns, which have included the use of higher tier exposure assessment approaches.
After completing a Ph.D. in organic chemistry, which involved the synthesis of small molecules and NMR analysis of their intermolecular interactions, Dr. Pellizzaro worked at Lhasa Limited which develops QSAR software. Whilst at Lhasa she specialized in writing structural alerts for various toxicological endpoints, including skin sensitization and mutagenicity. She also gained experience in in vitro dermal absorption studies.