James, J., D. Page-Dumroese, M. Busse, B. Palik, J. Zhang, B. Eaton, R. Slesak, J. Tirocke, H. Kwon. 2021. Effects of forest harvesting and biomass removal on soil carbon and nitrogen: two complementary meta-analyses. Forest Ecology and Management 485:118935
Faria, M.F., I.A. Guerrini, F.C. Oliveira, M.I.Z. Sato, J.R.S. Passos, J.N. James, R.B. Harrison. 2020. Survival of thermotolerant coliforms in municipal biosolids after application in tropical soil cultivated with Eucalyptus. Journal of Environmental Management 274:111116
Guerrini, I.A., T.F. Sampaio, J.C. Bogiani, C. Backes, R.B. Harrison, F.C. Oliveira, J.L. Gava, R.C. Traballi, R.G.M. Mota, L.B. Roder, E. Grilli, A. Ganga, J.N. James, G.F. Capra. 2021 Sewage sludge as a pedotechnomaterial for the recovery of soils compacted by heavy machinery on Eucalyptus commercial plantation. Journal of Cleaner Production 325:129320
James, J.N., C.D. Gross, P. Dwivedi, T. Myers, F. Santos, R. Bernardi, M.F. Faria, I.A. Guerrini, R.B. Harrison, and D.E. Butman. 2019. Land use change alters the radiocarbon age and composition of soil and water-soluble organic matter in the Brazilian Cerrado. Geoderma 345:38-50.
Rocha J.H., R.B. Harrison, M. Menegale, J.L. Gonçalves, M. Rodrigues, P. Pavinato, E. Foltran, and J.N. James. 2019. Impacts of timber harvesting intensity and P fertilizer application on soil P fractions. For. Ecol. and Manag. 437:295-303.
F.C. Oliveira, M.F. Faria, E.I. Bertoncini, M.I. Sato, E.M. Hachich, I.A. Guerrini, J.R. Passos, J.N. James, R.B. Harrison, T.G. Feitoza, J.J. Chiaradia, C.H. Abreu-Junior, and L.P. Moraes. 2019. Persistence of fecal contamination indicators and pathogens in Class B biosolids applied to sugarcane fields. J. Environ. Qual. 48(2):526-530.
James J.N., N. Kates, C.D. Kuhn, C.E. Littlefield, C.W. Miller, J.D. Bakker, D.E. Butman, and R.D. Haugo. The effects of forest restoration on ecosystem carbon in western North America: a systematic review. 2018 For. Ecol. and Manag. 2018; 429:625-641
Gross C.D., J.N. James, E. Turnblom, and R.B. Harrison. 2018 Thinning treatments reduce deep soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in a coastal Pacific Northwest forest. Forests 9(238).
Dietzen C., E. Marques, J.N. James, R. Bernardi, S. Holub, and R.B. Harrison. 2017. Response of deep soil carbon pools to forest management in a highly productive Andisol. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 81:970-978.
James J.N., R.B. Harrison. 2016. The effect of harvest on forest soil carbon: A meta-analysis. Forests 7(308).
Menegale M., J. Rocha, R.B. Harrison, J.L. Gonçalves, R. Almeida, M. Picollo, A. Hubner, J.N. James, and S. Michelson-Correa. 2016. Effect of timber harvest intensities and fertilizer application on stocks of soil C, N, P, and S. Forests 7(319).
Faria M.F., I.A. Guerrini, F.C. Oliveira, M. Sato, E. Hachich, J. Passos, L. Goulart, T. Silva, J. Gava, J. Furches, J.N. James, and R.B. Harrison. 2016. Persistence of Ascaris spp. ova in tropical soil cultivated with Eucalyptus and fertilized with municipal biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 46(3):522-527.
James J.N., K. Littke, T. Bonassi, and R.B. Harrison. 2016. Exchangeable cations in deep forest soils: separating climate and chemical controls on spatial and vertical distribution and cycling. Geoderma 279:109-121.
James J.N., C. Dietzen, J. Furches, and R.B. Harrison. 2015 Lessons in buried horizons and pedogenesis from deep forest soils. Soil Hor. 56(6).
James J.N., E. Knight, V. Gamba, and R.B. Harrison. 2015. Deep soil: Quantification, modeling, and significance of subsurface nitrogen. For. Ecol. and Manag. 336:194-202.
James J.N., W. Devine, T. Terry, and R.B. Harrison. 2014. Deep soil: Accurately quantifying and modeling carbon in subsurface layers. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 78:S1-S10.
Oral Presentations
James J.N., K. Littke, R.B. Harrison. Interaction between carbon and nutrient cycles in deep soils of the Pacific Northwest. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2017.
James J.N., C. Gross, P. Dwivedi, R.B. Harrison, D.E. Butman. Coupling solid- and liquid-phase soil organic matter analyses to understand the consequences of forest conversion and management on Brazilian Oxisols. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 2017.
James J.N., and R.B. Harrison. The effect of harvest on forest soil carbon. Stand Management Cooperative Spring Meeting, Vancouver, WA, 2017.
James J.N., and R.B. Harrison R. The effect of harvest on forest soil carbon: A global meta-analysis. UN FAO Global Soil Organic Carbon Symposium, Rome, Italy, 2017.
James J.N.. How soil reveals the hidden history of the Earth. Town Hall Seattle, Seattle, WA, 2016.
James J.N., C. Dietzen, C. Gross, and R.B. Harrison. The impact of buried horizons and deep soil pedogenesis on soil carbon content and vertical distribution. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2015.
James J.N., C. Dietzen, K. Littke, C. Gross, and R.B. Harrison. Lessons on buried soils and pedogenesis from deep forest soils. Soil Science Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 2015.
James J.N., C. Dietzen, K. Littke, and R.B. Harrison. Profiles and chemistry of deep forest soils in the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Forest Soils Council Meeting, Hood River, OR, 2015.
James J.N., K. Littke, and R.B. Harrison. The relationship between exchangeable base cations, soil carbon and soil nitrogen in deep forest soils of the Pacific Northwest. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, 2014.
James J.N., W. Devine, T. Terry, and R.B. Harrison. The quantity and storage mechanisms of carbon in deep soil horizons of the Pacific Northwest. International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress, Salt Lake City, UT, 2014.
James J.N., K. Littke, and R.B. Harrison. Interactions of carbon, nitrogen, and base cation cycles in deep forest soils. Stand Management Cooperative Spring Meeting, Vancouver, WA, 2014.
James J.N., W. Devine, T. Terry, and R.B. Harrison. Deep soil: Sampling, modeling, and significance of carbon in subsurface layers. Northwest Scientific Association Annual Conference, Missoula, MT, 2014.
James J.N., K. Littke, and R.B. Harrison. Predicting Douglas-fir response to fertilizer using site-specific factors. University of Washington, Stand Management Cooperative Spring Meeting, Vancouver, WA, 2013.
James J.N., K. Littke, and R.B. Harrison. Understanding site-specific factors affecting the nutrient demands and response to fertilizer by Douglas-fir. National Science Foundation Center for Advanced Forest Systems Annual Meeting, St. Simons Island, GA, 2013.
Poster Presentations
James, J.N., C.D. Gross, P. Dwivedi, T. Myers, F. Santos, R. Bernardi, M.F. Faria, I.A. Guerrini, R.B. Harrison, and D.E. Butman. Forest management and land-use change alter the radiocarbon age, fluorescence characteristics, and lability of K2SO4 extractable organic matter. North American Forest Soil Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 2018.
James, J.N., C.D. Gross, P. Dwivedi, T. Myers, F. Santos, R. Bernardi, M.F. Faria, I.A. Guerrini, R.B. Harrison, and D.E. Butman. From solid to liquid: Assessing the release of organic matter into soil solution in response to land-use conversion on Brazilian Oxisols. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
James J.N., and R.B. Harrison. The effect of harvest on forest soil carbon: A global meta-analysis. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 2017.
James, J.N., C.D. Gross, P. Dwivedi, T. Myers, F. Santos, R. Bernardi, M.F. Faria, I.A. Guerrini, R.B. Harrison, and D.E. Butman. Assessing the effect of land use conversion to Eucalyptus forest on water extractable organic carbon dynamics in Brazilian Oxisols. Northwest Forest Soil Council Meeting, Hood River, OR, 2017.
James, J.N., C.D. Gross, P. Dwivedi, T. Myers, F. Santos, R. Bernardi, M.F. Faria, I.A. Guerrini, R.B. Harrison, and D.E. Butman. From solid to liquid: assessing the release of carbon from soil into solution in response to forest management. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 2016.
James J.N., T. Bonassi, K. Littke, and R.B. Harrison. Climate and chemical controls on exchangeable cations in acidic forest soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Phoenix, AZ, 2016. Best Presentation Contest Winner.
James J.N., W. Devine, T. Terry, and R.B. Harrison. Deep soil: modeling and significance of soil carbon and nitrogen in subsurface layers. Soil Science Society of America Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, 2013.
James J.N., W. Devine, T. Terry, and R.B. Harrison. Deep soil: Modeling and significance of subsurface carbon and nitrogen. Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance (NARA) Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR, 2013.
James J.N., W. Devine, T. Terry, and R.B. Harrison. Deep soils: Accurately quantifying and modeling total carbon in subsurface layers. North American Forest Soils Conference, Whitefish, MT, 2013.
Mayer, M. C.E. Prescott, W.E.A. Abaker, L. Augusto, L. Cecillon, G.W.D. Ferreira, J. James, R. Jandl, K. Katzensteiner, J.P. Laclau, J. Laganière, Y. Nouvellon, D. Pare, J.A. Stanturf, E.I. Vanguelova, L. Vesterdal. 2020. Tamm Review: Influence of forest management activities on soil organic carbon stocks: A knowledge synthesis