- Ph.D., Natural Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2020
- German Postgraduate Degree Program in Ecotoxicology (SETAC GLB and GDCh); incl. courses in Environmental Chemistry, Alternative Methods, Regulatory Ecotoxicology, Biomonitoring and Strategies for Retrospective Assessment, Molecular Mechanisms of Action and Impacts on the Cell, Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Terrestrial Ecotoxicology, Statistics in Ecotoxicology.
- German
- English
Dr. Florian Zindler has devoted his academic career to the scientific field of aquatic toxicology and specializes in the registration of chemical and biological plant protection products. He is responsible for diverse tasks in the course of active substance submissions and product dossiers under Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 such as environmental risk assessments, data gap analyses, interpretation of guidance documents and test guidelines, study monitoring, statistical analyses, expert statements, evaluation reports, literature reviews. His particular interests include environmental risk assessments for microbial plant protection products and the evaluation of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals according to evolving assessment strategies.
Dr. Florian Zindler holds a M.Sc. in Environmental Toxicology and a Ph.D. in Aquatic Toxicology. During his training to become a certified Ecotoxicologist (SETAC GLB & GDCh) he gained valuable knowledge in key areas of the field of ecotoxicology. His research experience includes investigations into the multifaceted effects of chemical substances on fish and aquatic invertebrates. In this context, he conducted toxicity tests according to OECD test guidelines, investigated the effects of chemical substances on lethal and sublethal endpoints (e.g., morphological development, enzyme activities, and locomotor/swimming activity), and characterized the behaviour of test substances in test media and aquatic organisms. His technical training enables him to bridge between experimental and regulatory ecotoxicology, e.g. for advice on data generation and evaluation as well as for study design and monitoring, and to evaluate complex data packages against regulatory requirements.