How does Exponent help clients assess the environmental impact of their pharmaceutical and veterinary products?
For decades, Exponent has helped clients with complex issues involving nanotechnology, endocrine disruptors, biologicals, genetically modified organisms, and traditional human and veterinary pharmaceuticals.
Our environmental toxicologists and regulatory specialists are involved in the global dialogue surrounding the detection of trace concentrations of pharmaceuticals in surface water, wastewater, and drinking water and the related issues of potential treatment, risk, and regulation. Our assessments range from simple justifications for categorical exclusion to complex multi-parameter, multi-receptor watershed-scale risk assessments.
Exponent delivers support at all phases:
- Initial strategy development
- Placement and monitoring of studies
- Preparation of the environmental assessment
- Regulatory submission and negotiations
For 50+ years, we’ve thrived on solving unstructured problems that require bespoke solutions. Some of our services include:
• Evaluating fate and transport properties
• Developing exposure scenarios
• Assessing ecological effects on non-target organisms
• Calculating risk for all potentially affected environmental compartments
• Regulatory strategy development and negotiation
• Literature search and critical review
• Justification for categorical exclusion
• Data gap analysis
• Study placement, monitoring, and evaluation
• Physico-chemical properties evaluation
• Environmental fate assessment
• Ecotoxicity assessment
• Field studies
• Environmental assessment for submission to FDA, European authorities, and other jurisdictions
• Preparation for and representation at regulatory agency meetings
• Risk communication
Our Capabilities Are Unparalleled
With expertise in over 90 disciplines and hundreds of capabilities, tools, and methodologies — we get to the root of even the most complex challenges and give you the objective answers you need.
Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.

Practice Director and Principal Scientist