Design & Construction Defects

Two professionals on a buidling construction site. Exponent engineers consult on construction design defects.

Understand construction design defects, assess work quality, prevent failures

Exponent provides rigorous assessments of design and construction defects, including building components and standard-of-care evaluations.

What makes Exponent's multidisciplinary approach to evaluating design and construction defects unique?

Evaluating building components and assessing the standard of care in construction projects is essential for ensuring safety, professional integrity, and reducing the risk of structural failure and harm to building occupants. Exponent has over 50 years of experience helping clients address challenges related to design and structural defects, faulty systems, and building component issues. Our multidisciplinary scientists and engineers provide comprehensive understanding, including investigation of root causes and determining required action for mitigation.


Exponent's Civil and Structural Engineering team can help you identify potential structural defects and faulty systems as well as assess the standard of care for design and construction.


Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.