- Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, 2015
- M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, 2010
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, 2006
- Wayne County Medical Examiner Death Investigation Course, 2019
- 3D Static Strength Prediction Program training, University of Michigan, Center for Occupational Health & Safety Engineering, 2019
- St. Louis Medicolegal Death Investigation Course, 2017
- Northwestern University Center for Public Safety - Traffic Crash Reconstruction, 2015
- Kales Scholarship, 2009
- Graduate-Professional Scholarship, 2007-2008
- AIChE Undergraduate Poster Contest, 3rd Place, October 2005
- Society of Automotive Engineers (Member), 2018-present
- Biomedical Engineering Society (Member), 2018-present
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Associate Member), 2019-present
Dr. Sarah Sherman's expertise is in the biomechanics of injury, with an emphasis on injuries resulting from blunt and ballistic impacts and forensic analysis. With over 14 years of experience, she has conducted a wide variety of human and surrogate biomechanical testing to assess the mechanism of injury with respect to blunt traumatic injuries occurring in connection with law enforcement and athletic activities.
Dr. Sherman's present work includes the biomechanical analysis of injuries occurring in a variety of crashes and accidents, including vehicular, pedestrian, occupational, and recreational.
Dr. Sherman's work in the field of injury biomechanics includes research on the efficacy of protective equipment, including ballistic protection and sports equipment, and the response of the human body to blunt impacts.
Dr. Sherman continues to be involved in the injury biomechanics community through invited teaching opportunities and mentorship. Dr. Sherman is an invited speaker for biomechanics courses at both University of Michigan Dearborn and Wayne State University. She enjoys volunteering to speak with undergraduate and graduate students about technical issues and career opportunities in biomechanics. Dr. Sherman continues to expand her expertise in biomechanics by completing courses focusing on forensic investigations of trauma and has assisted in or observed numerous autopsies related to blunt or ballistic trauma.
Prior to joining Exponent, Dr. Sherman was a Research Assistant in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Wayne State University. While at Wayne State, she was the supervisor of the Sports Injury Biomechanics Laboratory, where she evaluated the efficacy of protective equipment with respect to potential injury mitigation.