- B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Universitat de Barcelona, 2018
- Course in Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation, Barcelona University, 2016
- Catalan Institute of Chemists
- Catalan
- Spanish
Pau Castelltort-Gil is a Chemical Engineer with 5 years of experience in Regulatory Affairs gained in industry. His expertise is in biocides, especially managing product dossiers and registrations, including biocidal product family dossiers for the Biocidal Products Directive/Regulation. He is also experienced in Classification and Labelling, Safety Data Sheet preparation, Detergent products, ADR, PIC and REACH.
Prior to joining Exponent, Mr Castelltort-Gil held the position of Regulatory Affairs Manager in Fluidra, Spain with responsibility for their BPR and transitional product strategy across Europe as well as Middle East and Africa.
Previously he held the position of Regulatory Affairs Officer in Grupo AC Marca, Spain, where among other tasks he was the Project Manager for building product and family dossiers for several different PTs (1, 2, 4, 18 & 19).