- B.S., Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, 1992
- Zoology Honor Society, University of Maryland, 1990
- Society for Risk Analysis, 1998-present
- International Society of Exposure Analysis, 1999-present
- Member of Registration Committee—RRT, 2003-present
- Co-Chair of Dietary Assessment Working Group—DAWG, 2002-2004
Mr. Tucker has over 30 years of consulting experience addressing EPA-related regulatory issues for clients. His areas of expertise include conducting registerability and data gap evaluations for new compounds, FIFRA and FFDCA regulatory issues concerning new and existing registrations for conventional pesticides, biopesticides, and products of biotechnology, addressing challenging residue chemistry issues, and data compensation matters.
Other areas of expertise include managing and conducting human health exposure and risk assessments for submission to the EPA, identifying and developing mitigation measures, and developing corresponding regulatory strategies.
Mr. Tucker also has experience with the regulatory and technical requirements for import tolerances. In addition, he has experience with electronic data submission issues (USEPA and Canada PMRA) and with preparing and assembling submissions for pesticides submitted under the Global Joint Review (GJR) process. He has also has worked on specific pesticide related databases including the USDA's Pesticide Data Program, the FDA's Pesticide Monitoring Database, the FDA's Total Diet Study Database, and the state of California's Pesticide Monitoring Database and Pesticide Use/Usage Database. Additionally, Mr. Tucker has extensive experience in conducting training sessions for the Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model (DEEM™) for both government (EPA, USDA, and Health Canada) and private industry clients.