Pitt JA, Hahn ME, Aluru N. Implications of exposure route for the bioaccumulation potential of nanopolystyrene particles. Chemosphere 2024; 141133.
Landrigan PJ, Raps H, Cropper M, Bald C, Brunner M, Canonizado EM, Charles D, Chiles TC, Donohue MJ, Enck J, Fenichel P, Fleming LE, Ferrier-Pages C, Fordham R, Gozt A, Griffin C, Hahn ME, Haryanto B, Hixson R, Ianelli H, James BD, Kumar P, Laborde A, Law KL, Martin K, Mu J, Mulders Y, Mustapha A, Niu J, Pahl S, Park Y, Pedrotti M-L, Pitt JA, Ruchirawat M, Seewoo BJ, Spring M, Stegeman JJ, Suk W, Symeonides C, Takada H, Thompson RC, Vicini A, Wang Z, Whitman E, Wirth D, Wolff M, Yousuf AK, Dunlop S., The Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health. Annals of Global Health 2023; 89(1).
Pitt JA, Trevisan R, Massarsky A, Kozal JS, Levin ED, Di Giulio RT. Maternal transfer of nanoplastics to offspring in zebrafish (Danio rerio): A case study with nanopolystyrene. Science of The Total Environment 2018; 643:324-334.
Pitt JA, Kozal JS, Jayasundara N, Massarsky A, Trevisan R, Geitner N, Wiesner M, Levin ED, Di Giuli RT. Uptake, tissue distribution, and toxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology 2018; 194:185-194.
Pitt JA, Drouillard KG, Paterson G. Polychlorinated Biphenyl Bioaccumulation Patterns Among Lake Erie Lower Trophic Level Consumers Reflect Species Ecologies. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2017; 98(1): 65-70.
Pitt JA, Aluru N, Hahn ME. Developmental Exposure of Zebrafish to Nanoplastics Affects Cardiovascular Structure and Function but Does Not Disrupt Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. Poster presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, Louisville, KY, 2023.
Pitt JA, Aluru N, Hahn ME. Examining the Abundance and Localization of Environmental Microplastics in Different Tissues of Atlantic Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Collected along Cape Cod Coast. Oral presentation, North Atlantic Chapter of SETAC, Amherst, MA, 2023.
Pitt JA, Aluru N, Hahn ME. Plastic Particle Persistence and Accumulation in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Larvae. Oral presentation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Biological Oceanography Seminar Series. Woods Hole, MA, 2023.
Pitt JA, Aluru N, Hahn ME. Differences in the Uptake and Accumulation of Nanoplastics between Oral and Waterborne Exposures using Larval Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Oral Presentation, 43rd Annual Meeting of SETAC North America, Pittsburgh, PA, 2022.
Pitt JA, Aluru N, Hahn ME. Do Microplastics Accumulate in Food Webs? Oral presentation, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Biological Oceanography Seminar Series, Woods Hole, MA, 2021.
Pitt JA, Aluru N, Hahn ME. Microplastics in Coastal Marine Animals: Defining the Problem. Oral presentation, Woods Hole Sea Grant Symposium, Woods Hole, MA, 2020.
Pitt JA, Trevian R, Massarsky A, Kozal JS, Levin ED, Di Giulio RT. Maternal Transfer and Toxicity of Polystyrene Nanoparticles in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Poster presentation, 20th Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms Meeting, Charleston, SC, 2019.
Pitt JA, Kozal JS, Trevisan R, Massarsky A, Jayasundara N, Di Giulio RT. Uptake, Tissue Distribution, and Toxicity of Polystyrene Nanoparticles in Developing Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Poster presentation, 57th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, San Antonio, TX, 2018.