- B.Sc., Chemistry with Management, University of Bath, UK, 2013
- NPTC Safe Application of Pesticides using Pedestrian Hand-Held Equipment PA6 (QCF)
Ms. Chan specialises in non-dietary and occupational human health exposure with comprehensive experience in the field of plant protection products and biocides risk assessment. Her expertise and knowledge includes the application of a range of human health exposure models recognized within the European Union and individual Member States for pesticides (Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009), biocidal (Regulation (EU) No 528/2012) and industrial chemicals (REACh) exposure risk assessments.
Ms. Chan has broad experience with performing and preparing registration dossiers of human health exposure risk assessments for professional and consumer products covering a range of Product Types within the biocidal regulation. She provides expert scientific support and strategic advice to clients on a range of risk assessments and higher tier refinement approaches in support of active substance approvals and product registrations.
Prior to joining Exponent, Ms. Chan gained over 6 years of experience in the evaluation of non-dietary exposure risk assessments in registration submissions at HSE Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD). Whilst at HSE CRD, she also cross-trained in physico-chemical data interpretation for biocides product registrations. During her time at the UK regulatory authority, she represented the UK at ECHA Tox Working Group meetings to provided technical expertise and contributed to the development of ECHA Human Exposure guidance documents. At an international level, she has delivered technical training on non-dietary exposure risk assessment for plant protection products to EU Member States and the pesticide regulatory authority of Kenya.