- B.Sc., Biology, University of Bath, UK, 2003
As a member of the human health group within Exponent, Ms. Evans specialises in non-dietary risk assessment for plant protection products, biocides and industrial chemicals. Ms. Evans uses a wide range of human health exposure models, including the latest EFSA online calculator for plant protection products (EFSA, 2022). Ms Evans also has experience with the generation and evaluation of higher tier data required for non-dietary risk assessment including dermal absorption and dislodgeable foliar residue (DFR) studies for plant protection products.
Ms Evans has worked on product safety and regulatory compliance projects under REACH, generating novel risk assessments as required when a non-compliance is identified. She has experience evaluating data for toxicology and residues sections and can provide advice on the acute toxicity and classification of plant protection products and biocides. She also has knowledge of the design and evaluation of literature searches for regulatory submission.
Ms Evans has worked on whole dossier compilation for plant protection product and biocide submissions including writing biological assessment dossiers (BADs) required for the evaluation of product effectiveness.. Before becoming a consultant, she worked for over 10 years for a contract research organization (CRO) conducting, monitoring and evaluating field trials on behalf of farmers and product manufacturers. Due to her background conducting field trials Ms. Evans has practical knowledge of the equipment and practices used on farms.
At Exponent Ms. Evans is a designated QMS representative covering the UK, Germany and Switzerland offices working to ISO 9001:2015, which is the quality management standard used throughout Exponent.