- M.Sc., Toxicology, University of Birmingham, UK, 2005
- B.Sc., Biological Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK, 2004
- Lecturer on Reproduction Toxicology for the M.Sc. Toxicology course at the University of Birmingham, UK
- Lecturer on the ETS Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Training Course
- Chartered Member, Royal Society of Biology
- European Register of Toxicologists
- UK Register of Toxicologists
- UK Industrial Reproduction Toxicology Discussion Group
- European Teratology Society
- US Teratology Society
- Society of Toxicology
Ms. Richmond is an experienced senior regulatory toxicologist having worked in industry for nearly 20 years. In her current role, she co-heads the European Toxicology team and provides support for registrations in Europe and a range of other countries, across plant protection products, biocides, industrial chemicals, foods, consumer products and occupational health.
She prepares technical evaluations and provide scientific and regulatory advice in the field of mammalian toxicology and its implications for human hazard and risk assessments. She manages and provides technical specialist expertise including study monitoring for a wide range of projects, preparing the necessary regulatory documentation and presents the scientific and regulatory positions at the relevant regulatory meetings on behalf of her clients. Ms. Richmond is in regular attendance as an expert stakeholder representative at the European Chemical Agencies (ECHA) Risk Assessment Committee (RAC). She has extensive experience of, and expertise in endocrine disruption (ED) assessments, conducting many EU ED evaluations and providing clients with Mode of Action (MoA) support to examine human relevancy of endocrine adversity and activity. Based on this expertise, she is also an invited member of the ECHA Partner Expert Group working, revising the EU classification guidance to include endocrine disruptor hazard criteria for classification in Europe.
Ms. Richmond is also a specialist in the field of developmental and reproductive toxicology, in addition to endocrine disruption, having developed deep technical knowledge through 14 years of experience as a Study Director across a wide range of mammalian in vivo toxicity studies at a contract research organization (CRO). During the latter years of her time at the CRO, she became Principal Developmental, Reproduction and Juvenile Toxicologist, developing testing methods and supporting validations for OECD test guideline studies and also designing testing strategies for a diverse range of substances, including pharmaceuticals, biologicals, agrochemicals, biocides, industrial chemicals and food flavourings. This combined technical and regulatory background has given Ms. Richmond a unique skill set for resolving complex techno-regulatory problems that frequently arise in these areas. She uses these skills to support extensive study monitoring for our clients, in particular for complex DART studies such as the Extended One Generation Reproduction Toxicity Study (EOGRTs) and bespoke Mode of Action studies.
Ms. Richmond is a strong advocate for the Refinement, Replacement and Reduction of Animal use and has been involved in a number of initiatives to improve and develop new technical aspects of juvenile and reproductive toxicity testing, contributing to a number of publications in this field.
Ms. Richmond is a UK and EU registered toxicologist and chartered biologist. She is also past chairperson for the UK Industrial Reproduction Toxicology Discussion Group (IRDG), a Council member for the European Teratology Society (ETS) and a member of the Society of Toxicologists and the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention (BDRP), formerly called the Teratology Society. She is also a member of the Health and Environmental Sciences Institute Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology committee (HESI-DART) and an active participant of the Extended One Generation Reproductive Toxicity Study (EOGRTS) Working Group. She is also a member of the European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) in vivo developmental neurotoxicity task force. She lectures on Reproduction Toxicology for the M.Sc. Toxicology course at the University of Birmingham, UK and is the Working Group lead and lecturer for the European Teratology Society DART training course.