- Ph.D., Plant Physiology, Pennsylvania State University, 1996
- Research Assistant, Department of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University, 1992-1996
- Industriekauffrau (IHK), Calw, Germany, 1981
- German
- English
Dr. Keller worked for the last 16 years as a consultant for clients of various agrochemical companies in the areas of consumer safety, Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) and Import Tolerances (ITs). During this period she developed in depth background knowledge of pesticides, including physical and chemical properties, methods of analysis, metabolism, residues, and consumer risk assessment particularly relating to Regulation (EU) 1107/2009 and Regulation (EU) 396/2005.
From 2016-2022 Dr. Keller built and headed the Import Tolerance Program to set Import Tolerances in a wide range of countries with a national MRL lists including the EU, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and Russia. During this time she also coordinated a team working on the compilation, submission and the post-submission support for import tolerance and JMPR (Joint Meeting of Pesticide Residues) dossiers.
Prior to this, she coordinated the 'Technical Forum Human Health & Exposure' at an international consulting company. This group of toxicologists, chemists, food chemists, biologists and agronomists were responsible for exchanging information and regularly documenting the latest scientific and regulatory and guideline developments with relevance to active substance and plant protection product registration.
She also had client on-site pesticide related working experience including compilation of safety data sheets and coordination of the residue dossier work of the consultant team.
Dr. Keller analysed phenotypic as well as metabolic pathway differences of Arabidopsis mutant plants using data mining and clustering tools for 3 years at Metanomics in Berlin, Germany (Member of BASF Plant Science Plattform). Furthermore she worked for 3 years as a research associate for Phytowelt Green Technologies (Germany) writing reports of scientific literature on plant biotechnology topics and organizing the 2004 Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference in Cologne.