How Can Electric Utilities Reduce Wildfire Ignition Risks?

Balloons flying through electrical power lines

Quantifying the effectiveness of wildfire risk reduction measures

Birds, balloons, and nearby vegetation and debris can contribute to the wildfire risks associated with overhead conductors and transmission infrastructure. Southern California Edison (SCE), the primary electricity provider across much of southern and eastern California, wanted to understand the efficacy of different potential wildfire risk reduction measures under consideration for their transmission system. Exponent developed quantitative risk models for a variety of assets and ignition drivers to demonstrate the potential impacts of different mitigation measures, including undergrounding, covered conductors, pole and crossarm hardening, and pole and tower configuration changes.


How do you quickly develop models for a broad array of utility grid assets and ignition mechanisms, such as birds, balloons, vegetation, or wire-to-wire contact, with quantitative metrics such as failure rates to determine the overall effectiveness of mitigation programs? And how do you validate and calibrate those models to observational data?


Exponent civil, structural, and electrical engineering experts developed quantitative risk models to assess how potential mitigation measures would affect the wildfire risk posed by different combinations of ignition drivers and utility assets. The resulting effectiveness scorecard enabled SCE to make informed decisions about their wildfire risk mitigation efforts and to better protect the communities in their service territory.

Our risk analysis experts developed models for many combinations of ignition mechanisms and mitigation measures. We quantified the reduction in ignition risk for specific proposed wildfire mitigation measures by running models on present and potential future asset configurations. These models included threats such as the following:

Exponent's Impact

By developing quantitative risk models for different ignition mechanisms and applying them to present and potential future asset configurations, Exponent provided SCE with effectiveness scores for a suite of mitigation measures including undergrounding, installing covered conductors, and changing pole, tower, and cross-arm configurations. SCE was able to thoroughly evaluate various proposed wildfire mitigation measures and make data-driven decisions to prioritize investments in the safety of their system, the people it serves, and the surrounding environment.


What Can We Help You Solve?

Exponent has worked with utilities across the world to evaluate risks posed by wildfires and other natural events and disasters. Our experts can help assess risk and build detailed models that utilities can use to help harden their infrastructure against extreme weather and fires.

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