Toxicity Mechanism

Collecting water samples to evaluate for chemical toxicity. Exponent helps identify chemical contamination sources.

Identify the Source of Chemical Contamination & Assess Toxicity

Toxic chemicals exist in a wide variety of applications, and exposure pathways may be associated with human health issues. Exponent provides a wide scope of services to identify chemical contamination sources and to assess the potential toxicity mechanism of chemicals that affect human and environmental health.

How can Exponent help you identify and isolate the source of chemical release and exposure?

Chemicals are integrated into almost every aspect of our daily lives  — from the soaps, lotions, and cosmetics we apply, to the fabrics we wear, products we use, the water we drink, and air we breathe. Chemical migration or leaching, toxic pollution, and issues during product manufacturing can lead to unintended chemical exposures resulting in dangerous levels of harmful agents in products and the environment.

When issues arise regarding known or potential chemical exposure, it is critical to understand the source of contamination, along with the toxicity mechanism related to human health.

Can you verify if a product, waste site, or occupational work environment is the source of excessive chemical exposures?

When clients face legal disputes regarding the chemical toxicity of a consumer product, seek to determine the source of a chemical exposure, or require validation of the source of chemical contamination, they turn to Exponent for insights, testing, and toxicological support.

Our toxicologists assist clients from a wide variety of industries in solving complex problems involving unintended chemical release or contamination. Our teams are highly equipped to analyze issues of chemical toxicity at a client's site and can oversee testing in state-of-the-art laboratories.

Our work spans the analysis of pesticides, biocides, industrial chemicals, metals and metalloids, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), talc, asbestos, and other chemical agents.