January 12, 2022
New harmonized standards target large battery energy storage systems
In September of last year, two new standards for battery energy storage system (BESS) testing and safety were published for comment in China. The Standardization Administration of China (SAC) published a draft national standard "Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in electrical energy storage systems," and the China National Development and Reform Commission published a draft set of "Interim Measures for the Safety Management of Electrochemical Energy Storage Stations."
"Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in electrical energy storage systems" is a China harmonized GB standard to IEC 63056: 2020. Once approved, it will be issued as a mandatory national standard. This document specifies requirements and tests for the product safety of secondary lithium cells and batteries used in electrical energy storage systems with a maximum DC voltage of 1500 V (nominal).
Systems within the scope of the document include home (residential) energy storage systems (HESS) and large energy storage systems for both on- and off-grid applications.
Some of the tests in the standard include external short-circuit testing, impact testing, drop testing, thermal abuse testing, overcharge testing, and forced discharge testing.
The "Interim Measures for the Safety Management of Electrochemical Energy Storage Stations" provides a set of guidelines for different aspects of electrochemical energy storage station safety management systems, such as project entry, manufacturing and quality control, installation, deployment, operation and maintenance, emergency response, etc. The guidelines are applicable to electrochemical energy storage stations with power ratings greater than 500kW and capacity ratings greater than 500kWh.
How Exponent Can Help
Exponent is a recognized and trusted engineering and scientific consulting firm that has, for more than 50 years, supported clients in addressing their most pressing interdisciplinary and technologically complex business challenges. Exponent's energy storage experts have deep knowledge and experience with BESS installations, from the system level down to the materials level, to provide an independent third-party evaluation based on robust scientific methodology and technical insights. With experts from backgrounds such as electrical engineering, material science, and mechanical engineering, we can assist clients in conducting technical due diligence and risk assessments at various stages of project development.